On shinystan 3.0

Image credit: https://github.com/stan-dev/logos


In this talk I will discuss several angles with respect to the new version of shinystan that is being developed. From a user’s perspective I will explain some new features, including report generation. I discuss how some new features might be useful for teaching Bayesian statistics and stan in particular. We will discuss diagnosing your model, finding relevant issues, and how shinystan can help make those tasks easier. From a development perspective I explain the reason to restructure the backend of shinystan, and how the restructuring enables easier contributions from the community to the project. Finally, feedback and wishlist, what do you want (shiny)stan to help you with?

Oct 31, 2019 6:50 PM — 7:35 PM
Dutch Healthcare Authority (“Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit”)
Newtonlaan 1-41, Utrecht, 3584BX, The Netherlands
Duco Veen

I currently hold an Assistant Professor position at the department of methodology and statistics situated at Utrecht University. I'm involved in the COVID-RED, and Trials@Home projects. Besides that I'm appointed as Extraordinary Professor at the Optentia Research Programme of North-West University, South Africa. I'm involved in the Stan project. Stan is “freedom-respecting, open-source software for facilitating statistical inference at the frontiers of applied statistics”. I work on the development of ShinyStan.